Introduction to Matlab and Octave
Install it!
Install MATLAB following the instructions from the IT services
or install GNU Octave from the Web
Matrix-oriented programming
Matrix-oriented programming
MATLAB and Octave are presented as “MATrix LABoratories”, commonly used for plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages.
MATLAB is a proprietary programming language developed by MathWorks, Inc. GNU Octave is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
MATLAB and Octave use languages that are mostly compatible. In this course we will use syntaxes compatible with both programs, unless otherwise stated.
Why MATLAB/Octave?
MATLAB and/or Octave will allow you to:
Manage large datasets (raw data, synthetic results, maps, etc.).
Perform iterative calculations.
Write self-explained calculations and share them with the scientific community (i.e. suitable to be included in scientific publications).
Plot exactly what you want.
Learn a computing language that is easy.
Learning how to program in MATLAB/Octave makes other languages much easier to learn: Matlab/Octave are similar to R, Python, C++, etc.
Solve your own problems using your own programs, adapting exactly to your needs!
The interface
The interface
Matlab and Octave come with very similar interfaces containing, at least, the following elements:
Address bar
Command window
MATLAB interface.
Octave GUI.
The command window This is the brain of the program. You can use this as a simple calculator or to call functions or scripts. Ultimately, this is the only element you need to use Matlab or Octave!
Try writing the following commands and hit enter:
To clean the command window, use the command clc
As most of the console interfaces, the command window has memory: try
using the up arrow key.
Current directory and browser
When you want to interact with files (e.g. calling your own scripts or creating files with your results or graphs), you need to know where you are working. Therefore, make sure that the address you see at the top of the screen is the folder you want to work in. You can see, create, delete or open your files using your system browser (explorer, finder, nautilus, etc.) or the browser integrated in Matlab or Octave.
Create a new file called my-first-file.m.
Avoid using spaces, most symbols, or start with numbers when naming your files. Instead of spaces, use the underscore symbol (_).
Also, note that Matlab files always end with .m
The editor
This is just a basic text editor. The files that you can edit do not contain any information about formatting. You can open these files using any text editor (e.g. notepad). However, the integrated editor format the text to highlight the meaning of the text in the Matlab language.
Open my_first_file.m
and write:
% This is my first Matlab script.
disp(’Hello world’)
then run it using the command my_first_file
(no .m
) in the command
window, or selecting run in the menu.
This is the memory of Matlab/Octave. The last answer given in the
command window is usually stored as ans
Write x=3+2
in the command window.
The parameter x
will appear in the Workspace.
Use the command who
or whos
to display a summary of the workspace in
the command window, and the command clear
to remove all the parameters
in the workspace.
What can we put in the Workspace?
Parameters with one number
As for file names, avoid using spaces, most symbols, or start
parameter’s names with numbers.
Ending with semicolon (;) prevents the output to be shown in the command
window, although the parameter is stored in memory. You can check that
the value of C14halflife is in memory by typing C14halflife
in the
command window.
Other “special" accepted values:
means “Infinite” and NaN
means “Not a Number”. You can also
generate them by computing 1/0
or 0/0
in the command window.
Array of numbers
Use length(data)
to check the size of your array.
Try also linspace(0,3,20)
and logspace(0,2,5)
to get equally distributed numbers in the linear or logarithmic space.
Use odds13
if you want it as a column.
Access a single (data(3)
or data(end)
) or several values of an array
A=[1,2,3 ; 4,5,6 ; 7,8,9]
B=[99,88,77 ; 66,55,44 ; 33,22,11]
C=ones(4,3) % number of rows,columns
Note that anything you write after the %
symbol is ignored. %
used for comments.
You can also create a matrix by repeating an array using repmat
Use help repmat
to know more about this.
These matrices are 2-D (rows and columns). However, MATLAB and Octave
are also able to handle matrices in multiple dimensions. E.g.
is a 3-D matrix.
Use size(B)
to check the size of your matrix (rows and columns), or
to get the number of elements in B
Strings are parameters containing text:
Strings are useful when working with sample or location names. MATLAB and Octave can handle strings and provide powerful tools to manipulate and operating with text, such as regular expressions. However, these programming languages were not primarily designed to work with text, and string manipulation can be very frustrating at the beginning. Therefore, we will restrict the use of text to sample names or simple labels.
Sometimes it will be useful to find a sample in a list. For example,
use strcmp
to find the position of the student named Trish:
Small functions
Simple formulas can be defined by using defining the parameters with @(Parameters):
temp_fahrenheit = @(temp_celsius)1.8 * temp_celsius + 32
Try temp_fahrenheit(15)
and decay(C14halflife,20000)
Boolean data
Boolean data is a type of data that has one of two possible values: true (1) or false (0). In MATLAB, logical is usually generated used equalities or inequalities:
Note that ==
and \sim=
are used in MATLAB to determine equality or
inequality, and =
to define a parameter.
We can combine boolean data using boolean operators: &
(and) and |
E.g. ( A<5 | B<30 )
Boolean data can also be use as indexes if the boolean array or matrix has the same size as the objective array or matrix.
E.g. A(A>5)
or B(A<3)
but not data(A<10)
This property is useful to easily create filters for our data:
data(data>50 & data<500)
clc to clean the Command window
Basic calculations
With numbers: mass*avogadro
With arrays and matrices: odds+pairs
but odds.*pairs
Note the difference between B/A
and B./A
”, “./
” and “.^
” are operators used to perform calculations
element by element (array operations). Avoid using “*
”, “/
” and
” on matrices unless you really want to do matrix operations
following the rules of linear algebra.
Call parts of another variable: You can access the number in the second
row and third column with A(2,3)
, the second row with B(2,:)
or the
first column with A(:,1)
. MATLAB and Octave always follow the order
(row,column) in 2D matrices.
Random numbers
% any number between 0 and 1 -
% a row of 10 random numbers -
% a column of 10 random numbers -
% a 3x3 matrix with random numbers between 0 and 1 -
% a matrix with random numbers between 0 and numbers in matrix A -
% a random number from a gaussian distribution of 11000±2000 -
% a row of 5000 random numbers from a gaussian distribution of 11000±2000
Try hist(normrnd(11000,2000,1,5000))
and hist(rand(1,5000))
to plot
the histograms corresponding to these random distributions.
Air pressure
Let’s define a function that calculates the pressure at a certain altitude:
pressure = @(altitude)1013.25*...
% standard atmosphere pressure (Lide, 1999)
Note that we can use three dots (...
) to avoid long lines.
Then define x
values between 0 (sea level) and 8848 m (Everest) every
100 m:
And alculate their corresponding pressures:
Simple plots
Try the following plots:
Create a figure and plot several things in it:
figure % open a new figure
hold on % do not clear when plotting different things
text(200,pressure(200),'East Kilbride')
title('My first plot with labels')
Make y axis logarithmic: set(gca, ’YScale’, ’log’)
means “Get
current axes”) You can export your plots using the menu File >
Save As in the figure window. Exporting your plots as .eps or .pdf
will allow you to edit them with vector graphic editors like Adobe
Illustrator or Inkscape.
A script is a text file with a list of orders. In your current
directory, create radiocarbondating.m
. Open it with the editor and
write the following orders:
%% This is a script that calculates radiocarbon ages and errors
%% By Me, 2019
%% Start with some cleaning
clear % this removes any previous parameter in the workspace
clc % this clears the command window
%% Define the formula that calculates the age from concentrations
%% This is the data we have
oldc=[567 1100 20 1252];
erroroldc=[6 20 5 50];
%% Select the data we want to work with
%% Create 1000 random data based on the normal dristributions
%% Calculate the ages of the distributions
%% Plot the age distribution
hold on
title(['Sample ' num2str(n)])
%% Calculate the mean and the average
Now you can change the value of n
to get the results of other data.
Note that we can make composed strings using brackets []
and the
function num2str(n)
to convert numbers into strings.
Also note that we can use ...
to avoid very long lines.
We often need to run a block of code several times. For example, in our
program radiocarbondating.m
we could copy and paste the script 4 times
changing n=1
by n=2
, n=3
and n=4
to get all our ages calculated.
However, we avoid repeating code by writing a loop statement that
executes the code multiple times.
In radiocarbondating.m
, we can substitute “n=1
" by
“for n=[1,2,3,4]
" and write “end
" at the end of the script to
perform the calculations and plotting for the four samples.
The basic form of a loop in Matlab is:
for Parameter=List
% My repeating code
Error bars
Create a new script called plot-with-error-bars.m that use a loop to plot error bars of the individual concentrations:
%% This is a script that plots data with error bars
%% By Me, 2019
%% Start with some cleaning
clear % this removes any previous parameter in the workspace
clc % this clears the command window
close all hidden % close any pre vious figure
%% This is the data we have
data=[567 1100 20 1252 326 625];
errors=[6 20 5 50 32 100];
%% Figure
hold on
for n=1:length(data) % start a loop
plot(n,data(n),'.b') % Plot data
x=[n,n]; % x positions of the limits of the error bar line
y=[data(n)-errors(n),data(n)+errors(n)]; % y positions
plot(x,y,'-b') % plot the error bar
end % end of the loop
Another way of creating a loop is using the statement* while
while n<10
n=n+1 % add 1 to the value of n
Conditional statements
if - end
Conditional statements allow us to select at run time which block of
code to execute. The simplest conditional statement is if
, closed with
n=round(rand*100); % random number between 0 and 100
% rounded to the nearest integer
if n/2==round(n/2)
string=[num2str(n) ' is pair']
if - elseif - else - end
We can define alternatives using if
, elseif
, else
and end
if n/2==round(n/2)
string=[num2str(n) ' is pair'];
elseif isprime(n)
string=[num2str(n) ' is odd and prime'];
string=[num2str(n) ' is odd, but not prime'];
disp(string) % disp shows the string in the command window
You can also define conditional statements using switch
, otherwise
and end
). Find yourself how to use the switch
statement by typing help switch
in the command window!
A function is a script that works like a “black box". You only see the final output in the workspace, not all the parameters defined in the function. When writing a function, or converting a script into a function, we have to start the file with
function OUTPUTS = function_name(INPUTS)
and write
at the end of the file.
14C age function
Create a file called C14agefunction.m and copy:
function [age,errorage]=C14agefunction(oldc,erroroldc,modernc,errormodernc)
Note that the function name has to be the same as the file name. Otherwise you will get an error when running it.
Save the file, and then execute the following in the command window:
Built-in functions
Built-in functions
MATLAB and Octave come with a large number of built-in functions (e.g.
, sin
, sum
, diff
, max
, magic
, pi
, median
, interp1
, contour
, and many more).
You can learn how to use these functions using help
help interp1
), selecting the name of the function and pressing in
Also, you can discover more functions in the Internet. Just search for the operation you want to do, including “Matlab" or “Octave" in your search.
We can even see how some of these built-in functions are made with
. Try edit magic
to see the code of the function that generates
magic squares!
Toolboxes and packages
There are some advances functions, like the ones used to work with maps, that are not included in the basic package of MATLAB and Octave. These “special packages" are called “toolboxes" in MATLAB and just “packages" in Octave.
Toolboxes are installed using the MATLAB installer and they are automatically loaded when you start MATLAB.
Octave packages can be installed using pkg install
and the name of the
file where the package is. Before we start using an Octave package, we
have to load it with pkg load package_name
As one of the objectives of this course is learning to write code we can share, most of the built-in functions that we are using in this course are included in the basic versions of MATLAB and Octave. If a toolbox or package is required, it will be clearly stated.
Snow and glacier modelling
A glacier is a persistent body of dense ice that is constantly moving under its own weight. (Wikipedia: Glacier)
Consider the following climate simplifications:
- Average monthly temperature (ºC) at sea level in Scotland:
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
4 5 7 8 12 14 16 16 13 10 7 5
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Temperature lapse rate: 8 ºC/Km
Monthly precipitation (mm) in Scotland:
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
175 125 150 100 75 100 100 125 125 175 175 175
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Consider the following snow/ice behaviour (huge simplifications):
- All precipitation is snow when temperature is below 5ºC.
All precipitation is rain above 5ºC.
Daily temperature range is 5ºC, so day temperature is 2.5ºC above the average.
Considering thermal conductivity of the snow mantle ~5 W/K/m2, a snow latent heat of fusion of 350 kJ/kg and a snow average density of ~0.3 Kg/l, an average of vertical 5 cm of snow per month will be melted for each degree of day temperature over 0ºC.
If the snow survives for more than a year (annual mass balance > 0), the snow will flow downhill at an horizontal speed of 10 inches/day.
- The average glacier slope is 15º.
Mass balance:
Write a function that calculate the monthly snow mass balance (snow accumulation-snow melting). Remember that the melting function should not create snow!
Write a function that calculate the snow accumulated monthly. Remember that (1) we can have snow inherited from the previous month, and (2) the thickness of the snow mantle cannot be negative!
Write a piece of code that calculates the annual mass balance. Introduce the possibility of emulate past and future climate conditions by changing the temperature and precipitation uniformly (ΔT and ΔP).
The output of the monthly functions should be an array of 12 numbers when the input is one altitude, or a matrix when the input is a “column” of altitude values.
Snow accumulation:
Placing a ski resort: what is the lowest altitude with 3 or more months of snow?
According to these data, where could we find a glacier in Scotland today? Note: the highest peak in Scotland is Ben Nevis, 1345 m above sea level.
The Glenshee ski area is located between 650 and 1050 m of altitude. What impact would these scenarios have on the business by 2100?
Glacier modeling exercises:
Write a piece of code that emulate the annual snow/ice mass flow. Tip: calculate how much the snow/ice moves vertically in a year and discretize the altitude reference accordingly, so the snow packed during the previous year will move one position per year.
Write a script that runs the previous code until the thickness of the snow/ice is stable.
According to this model, where should the glacial fronts have been during the Younger Dryas (ΔT=-4ºC)? and during last glaciation (ΔT=-6ºC)?
Produce graphical outputs like these: